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  • Human Heart Trivia


  • How many times does your heart beat in a lifetime?

    Your heart is like a machine, tirelessly pumping throughout your life to power your body.
    In the course of an average lifetime, your heart is likely to beat more than two and a half billion times, without ever pausing to rest.
    How does it all add up?
    Here's what you need to know to do the equation:
    Average heart beats per minute: 72
    Average lifespan: 75 years
    Average heart beats per hour: 4,320 [72 beats per minute x 60 minutes]
    Average heart beats per day: 103,680 [4,320 beats per hour x 24 hours]
    Average heart beats per year: 37,843,200 [103,680 beats per day x 365 days]
    Average heart beats in a lifetime: 2,838,240,000 [37,843,200 beats per year x 75 years]

  • How big is your heart?

    Want to know how big your heart is? It's easy. Just look at the size of your fist— it's about the same size as your heart.
    The heart grows at the same rate as the rest the body. So that means a baby's heart is about the same size as its fist, while an adult heart is many times larger.

  • What does your heart weight?

    You could say that the average adult heart weighs about the same as two baseballs, give or take an ounce or two.
    How do we figure that? A major league baseball weighs between 5 and 5.25 ounces.
    Human heart size depends on body size, so women’s hearts are often smaller than men’s. The average adult female heart weighs 8-10 ounces – about the size of two baseballs or slightly smaller.
    The average adult male heart weights 10-12 ounces – about the size of two baseballs or slightly bigger.

  • Which day of the week do more people have heart attacks?

    To no one’s surprise, statistics show that Mondays—especially Monday mornings—are when most heart attacks occur.
    Why is that? It seems that Monday-morning stress can elevate cortisol levels. Cortisol is also known as the “stress hormone.” Increased levels can prompt blood vessels to constrict, which can cause built-up cholesterol plaque to dislodge and obstruct blood flow to the heart.

  • Is laughter really the best medicine?

    This may be one of those old sayings that have stuck around because it’s partially true. Yes, laughter is good for your heart.
    Studies show that a hearty laugh can prompt your blood vessels to expand and contract, increasing your blood flow by up to 20%. That can promote healthier blood vessels – and help ward off cardiovascular disease.

  • How many times does you heart "recycle" you blood each day?

    Your blood makes a round trip through your body about 1,000 times every day.
    That’s about 41.6 times per hour, or once every minute and a half.